Fangxin bez mirisa Obrtna smola je posebna vrsta plastike, koja nema miris. Ovo je posebno važno u slučaju proizvoda koji moraju imati rok trajanja kao što su pakiranja hrane i boce pića. Prirodni mirisi i okusi hrane i pića mogu se zadržati korištenjem PE smole bez mirisa.
Želite li znati kako PE smola ima loš miris, ali traje manje vremena? Ovo pitanje je izuzetno važno za tvornice kao što je Fangxin Fleksibilna smola like to produce the maximum quantity of products in a very little time.
PE smola je bez mirisa i nema štetnih tvari. Ovo čini Fangxin Fleksibilna smola idealno za proizvode dizajnirane za dodir s hranom i pićem. Važna sigurnosna značajka, na kraju krajeva, ne bismo željeli unositi štetne kemikalije u hranu ili piće.
Ako vaš proizvod mora biti bez mirisa, postoji nekoliko razlika kojih biste trebali biti svjesni između PE smole bez mirisa i obične PE smole. PE smola bez mirisa je prozirna i nema mirisa, dok obična PE smola, prema nazivu, miriše na plastiku. Ovo je tako važno jer proizvodi nastaju iz Fangxina Obrtna smola bez mirisa osigurat će očuvanje prirodnog okusa ili mirisa vašeg proizvoda.
PE smola je bez mirisa i nema štetnih tvari. Netoksičan (bez štetnih tvari). Ovo čini Fangxin Smola za mramorno ljepilo idealno za proizvode dizajnirane za dodir s hranom i pićem. Važna sigurnosna značajka, na kraju krajeva, ne bismo željeli unositi štetne kemikalije u hranu ili piće.
We have been focusing the development, research production unsaturated epoxies vinyl ester resins over 30 years.Fangxin has been involved in the research and development of over 30 years, as well as production and sales, of Odorless PE Resin epoxies and vinyl esters alkyd acetate resins color made of watercolors, color pastes, and many other products. We offer more than 1,000 products.
We're dedicated to improving the quality range of resin products we offer to meet the varied requirements of our customers and offering bespoke solutions. We offer a variety services to our customers, such as product consultation including sample delivery monitoring, testing of products and documentation for both sea and land shipping.Many of our satisfied customers are Mexico, Kenya, Tanzania among others. We also customers in the United Arab Emirates, Russia as well as other regions.We're committed to providing our customers with custom Odorless PE Resin, while improving quality of our resin products. We provide our customers with services like product consultation and delivery products, monitoring orders, testing of products as well as document processing for shipping by ocean and land and many more. We have developed long-term relationships with customers across the world which includes Russia, UAE Kenya, Tanzania Mexico and many more.
A highly skilled R and D team, a state-of-the-art R and D center, several patents, more a hundred industry certifications, national certifications and an active role in the development of various resin industry standards, the company provide its customers a one-stop shop for the ability to customize their product.Our team is made up a highly skilled technical R and D group. Our team is equipped with a state-of-the-art R and D center. Fangxin has now achieved dozens of patents, over 100 industry certifications, well as national awards for certification. Fangxin has also taken part in the Odorless PE Resin of a variety of resin industry standards. We're confident that we can provide our customers a one-stop shop customized services.
The company was established in 1992. It has three production facilities of a large scale with more than 100 resin production lines, a total annual production capacity 800,000 tons and fixed assets worth more 800 million yuan. The total land area is 250,000 square meters.In the year 1992, the company founded with a capital of 350,000,000 yuan. The company's fixed Odorless PE Resin totaled more than 800,000,000 yuan. It covers 250,000 square meters and has three production bases that are large as well over 100 production lines for resin and a production capacity 800,000.
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