Fer manualitats és súper divertit. Avui anàvem a conèixer un material especial de manualitats anomenat Polimerització de resina acrílica. La resina de Fangxin és un líquid especial que s'asseca dur i brillant. Us permet crear alguns projectes que es veuen genials i resisteixen la prova del temps.
La resina acrílica Fangxin és un material clar i suau que pot convertir-se en el que desitgeu. Comença com un líquid, després es torna sòlid. Això vol dir que pots abocar-lo en diferents motlles i fer manualitats divertides de tot tipus.
T'agrada fer joies? Amb la resina acrílica Fangxin, podeu crear peces de joieria úniques com ningú! Així és com:
Aconsegueix un motlle especial que faci la forma que necessites
Recolliu una mica de resina a una botiga d'artesania
Busqueu elements decoratius com ara purpurina, flors o petites perles
Seguiu les instruccions per barrejar la resina.
Per al Pintura de terra de resina acrílica al motlle
Poseu-hi purpurina o perles
Deixeu-ho assecar completament
Traieu-lo del motlle
Ara tens una bonica joia que has creat tot sol. Els teus amics quedaran molt impressionats.
Vols fer que la teva habitació sigui més especial? Les coses interessants que podeu fer amb resina inclouen:
Posavasos de colors
Portaespelmes brillants
Marcs de fotos decorats
Només aboqueu resina sobre aquests articles i aboqueu-hi alguns colors. També podeu fer servir el ruff brillant, digueu-me com ha quedat quan s'asseca, per tenir un aspecte molt brillant.
Aquests clauers de resina són molt divertits de fer! Aquí teniu una manera divertida de fer-los:
Reinventa les formes de galetes amb un talla galetes
Aboqueu-hi la resina
Afegiu alguns colors o espurnes
Deixeu-ho assecar
Posa-hi un anell
Mostra el teu nou clauer
Obtingueu un missatge creatiu
Totes les coses divertides que pots fer amb resina. Pots:
Barrejar diferents colors
Afegeix purpurina
Proveu de diferents Resina acrílica Pu formes
Fes alguna cosa única cada vegada
Our focus is on improving the caliber variety of our resin products, meeting the diverse needs of our Acrylic resin for crafts providing solutions that are tailored to the needs of our customers. Apart from other relevant services, we help our clients with product consultancy, sample delivery, order tracking, product testing, and application of documents for shipping sea and land.Our clients who are happy include clients from Mexico, Kenya Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Russia and other regions.We're committed to offering our customers with customized solutions enhancing the quality of the resin products. We provide our customers with products consultation in the form of product delivery, monitoring orders, testing of products and document processing, land and ocean transportation as well as other. We have established a long-term relationship with our clients across the globe, including Russia, UAE Kenya, Tanzania Mexico many more.
For more than 30 years, we've been focusing the research, development, production and sale unsaturated and uncolored resins, vinyl ester resins, alkyd resins acrylic resins, waterborne resins colored, color pastes and products, with almost 1,000.Since more 30 years ago, Fangxin have been Acrylic resin for crafts on research and development in the production and sale of unsaturated and unrefined resins, vinyl ester resins, alkyd resins, acrylic resins, water-based resins color pastes, color gel coats, other products, we have more than a thousand products.
With an experienced R and D team, state-of-the-art R and D center, several patents, more than 100 industry accreditations, national certificates, and a leading role in the development of various resin industry standards, the company can Acrylic resin for crafts its customers a single point of contact, as well as product customization services.We have a qualified technical R and D team. Our team is equipped the latest technology in an R and D center. With this support which has led to the development of Fangxin now have achieved dozens of patents, over 100 industry certifications well as national certification awards. We also have been involved in the development of a variety of standards for the industry of resin. We are confident of our Acrylic resin for crafts provide customers one-stop customization as well as a one-stop shop for our customers.
The company was established in 1992 and has three production facilities of a large scale with more than 100 resin production lines, a production capacity of 800,000 and fixed assets valued at more than 800 million Yuan. The total land area is 250,000 square meter.In 1992, the firm was founded with a capitalization of 350 million yuan. The company's fixed assets totaled over 800 million yuan. It covers an area of 250,000 square meters, has 3 large production bases with more than 100 Acrylic resin for crafts production lines, as well as a annual production capacity of 800,000 tons.
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